Pumpkin Spice Latte and Movie Night

Now that cold weather has hit and we are delivering dinner and a movie to your front door I thought I might share a fun tidbit with you.  Did you know that a study has proven that the smell of  pumpkin is arousing to men? So a Deluxe Pizza, with 2 pumpkin Spice Latte’s and a Romantic comedy might be the perfect date on this crisp fall day and its all delivered to your door for less that it would cost in gas and movie tickets plus snacks.  And there’s no usher to shine his flash light on you when …..well you know.

Read the full article on pumpkin scent being an aphrodisiac here: http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-11-24/entertainment/27082315_1_pumpkin-pie-scent-traditional-thanksgiving-dessert